The field trip to the Archives and History was great! Our students got to participate in hands-on activities like grinding corn and making designs in pottery. The Indian gallery taught us many things about Alabama Indians of long ago.
We had a treat on Wednesday as Margaret Hixon, Josh Hixon's grandmother, talked with our class about olden days. She brought many artifacts from the past. The students got to pair up and discuss what the object was and how it was used. Mrs. Hixon was a former school teacher and she worked at Old Alabama town writing curriculum, teaching classes and teaching seminars for teachers. She is still a wonderful teacher!
Lesson plans for November 14-18:
Bible: Psalm 100:1-5- due Nov. 18
Reading: "Big Bushy Mustache" pp. 324-359
Skills: Problem-solving, plurals, using context
Language: Verbs and pronouns pp. 165-172
Spelling: More long e words pp. 96-101
Math: 2-digit Subtraction pp. 207-218
Science: How do Living Things Survive in Different Places?
pp. 160-171. Work in groups on Habitat boxes.
Social Studies: Test on Unit 2- Friday pp. 49-95 Our Earth
Enjoy your Veteran's Day holiday on Friday!
Remember Thanksgiving holidays are November 21-25.
Have a blessed weekend,
Patti Jeffcoat