Hi Parents,
I hope you are enjoying this nice long weekend! We have had a busy February with many activities in Second Grade. Our Valentine's party was great! Thanks to all of you who helped to make it possible. It is always a favorite party of the children. They love opening their Valentine bags!
The following are lesson plans for the week of February 21-24:
Bible: John 13:34- due Thurs. A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
Reading: "Jalapeno Bagels" pp. 190-213
Skills: contractions, words ending in le, follow directions, dictionary skills
Language: Descriptive paragraph pp.272-287
Spelling: Compound words pp. 162-167
Math: Beginning Time pp. 123-132
Science: Weather pp. 270-281
Social Studies: Our Country pp. 147-165
Have a blessed weekend!
In Him,
Patti Jeffcoat