Second Grade is a busy place! We are getting ready for a big event: Grandparents Day! The date is September 9th at 9:00 in Willett Hall. Some of you have already been involved in years past but for the new ones, I'll give an update of what it entails. Grandparents are invited to come for a short program of singing presented by our second graders on this day. There will be refreshments, a gift for the grandparents, and a picture taken. Grandparents can come back to the classroom and tour. It is a special time for all involved. If your grandparents can't attend, a substitute friend can come in their place. We also have stand-in grandparents if you need any! A note will be in your Monday folders about signing up to help with an activity. Jacque Foshee, our room mother, may have already contacted you, but still send in the form with your name and activity checked. It takes a lot of planning and work but it is well worth it! We're also giving grandparents a chance to come to the classroom the week of Sept. 6-8 to share stories with the students. Look for a packet next week with the invitations for the grandparents.
Take-home folders will come home on Monday. Please sign them and return on Tues. or Wed. This is a great opportunity to see your child's work and review it with them.
Lesson Plans for August 22-26:
Bible: Creation Facts - due Aug. 26
Reading: "Julius" pp. 40-61 Skills: short vowel sounds, naming parts, fantasy/realism
Language: Complete sentences pp. 35-44
Spelling: More short vowels pp. 24-29
Math: Adding 3 numbers pp. 11-22
Science: What do plants need? pp. 66-72
Social Studies: Communities pp. 16-27
Field trips have been scheduled for the following dates:
Oct. 25 -11:00-2:00 Dream Field Farms
Nov. 8- 9:00 Archives and History Building
Jan. 10- 9:30 Planetarium Fathers' Field Trip
Feb. 8- 10:00 "Henry and Mudge"play-Davis Theatre
I'm enjoying your children!
Have a blessed weekend!